MASO Ghana MASO is a five year programme, focused on creating employment opportunities for the youth (aged 18-25) in Ghana’s cocoa communities.


“I started supporting my uncle on his cocoa farm in 2014 after I completed Senior High School. This is where I developed an interest in cocoa farming. Now I want to become a professional cocoa farmer”. 24 year old Simon Atsitre lives in Leklebi Agbesia, a cocoa growing community in the Afadzato South District of
Richard Sakyi started “The Lord is My Shepherd Agro Chemicals” shop in October 2016 two months after enrolling in the MASO Business Academy in Ataase near New Edubiase in the Ashanti Region. He was motivated to join the MASO programme as a result of his determination to transform the many problems in his community into

David Afeku’s Story

Monday, 03 April 2017 by